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The True Ascension: 12-12-12

The True Ascension: 12-12-12 Metatron and Ra-Tybronn through James Tyberonn

Greetings, masters! I am Metatron, lord of light, and I embrace you in a vector of unconditional love, a love that you will soon be able to experience more vividly, for the ascension is nigh. We are joined in this channel by Ra-Tybronn of the Pleiades, an ascended master of crystalline service, the root oversoul of the channel, who experienced service to the planet among the law of one. Ra-Tybronn is of the family of Thoth and Enoch, both of Metatronic source.

We ask you to take a moment and allow our energy and love to nurture you, for we are family. We love you so very dearly in ways that are above emotion, with a love that is omnipotent and flows from creative Source, from All That Is, from the divinity of which you are an intricate member — each of you!

It is a time of quickening on your planet, and for some of you, it feels hard at times. But we assure you that in higher aspects, you are dancing in joy, for the ascension is nigh, and you, dear human, made it happen. We honor you! And so we invite Ra-Tybronn of crystalline service to join in the provision of this information — some of which we have shared before, much of which is shared for the first time — all in the moment of now.
