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Familial Integrity

Familial Integrity Lily and the Group through Beverley Bright Star

The Story of Arcturianus

We are here today to introduce you to a concept that may be unfamiliar to a lot of you. It is a concept called "familial integrity." We are introducing it into the group consciousness of humankind. It has much to do with the family unit, yes, but it must be seen as a moral preceptor of sorts — a sort of logo for humanity to move toward and strive for as an ideal, if you will. You are all family to each other, whether you recognize that yet or not. Through this story, you should begin to see each other — each race, each creed, each country — as one.

The Boy Who Remembered His Past Lives

This is a story about a boy named Arcturianus. When he was born, his parents named him after one of the stars: Arcturus. Now, Arcturianus was a very odd little fellow. He was very different from the other children. He loved his grandparents very much, and that is not unusual, but in fact, he seemed to get along really well with older people. When he was growing up and he would see older people walking along in a mall or a store, he would always run up to them and just hug them! It started to become a bit of a problem, because he was a three- or four-year-old child running up to hug total strangers!

His parents kept asking him why he did it, and he would say, "Mommy, but I know them already" — but always, of course, in the much simpler phrasing of a small child, like, "But Mommy, Mommy, I 'member them. That one is Elsie, and that one's Robert. Don't you 'member, Mommy? Don't you 'member?"
