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Anchoring the Higher Frequencies during Earth's Great Shift

Anchoring the Higher Frequencies during Earth's Great Shift The Council of 12 through Selacia

You are living in a world that is in spiritual crisis. You have known about this crisis for some time, for you are one of those who volunteered to be at the forefront during Earth's great shift. You knew that this lifetime would be unlike any other and that it would hold both great opportunities and immense challenges. Your earlier lifetimes prepared you for this pioneering role and for facing and resolving crises of all shapes and sizes. Because of the spiritual veils and the normal tendency to forget what you knew and did before, you don't remember having had all of this training!

We tell you here today, though, that you have had lots of experience with facing the unknown. You have had warrior training—not just to go into physical battle, as the typical human often does, but to engage successfully as a spiritual warrior.
