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November: Begin Anew

November: Begin Anew Suzan Owens

If you are in a 1 personal year, November is a 3 month. This is the end of creating what you want for the next nine years. You’ve spent this time acknowledging your desires and planting the seeds of manifestation for years to come. November brings in spiritual energy as an 11 month, so use your intuition more now. Listen to your guidance as you partner with others for a successful, creative few weeks. Collaboration, cooperation, and listening to the advice of others is the number vibration right now. Enjoy the community and compatibility of friends and associates. As November carries the 3 energy, this means that it is time to express yourself creatively and be in touch with your emotions. If you’re an artist, practice your art. If you’re a dancer, dance! Use whatever creative outlet you have to express yourself. Allow your social calendar to fill up, and enjoy the interconnectedness of others.
