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Twists and Revelations in November

Twists and Revelations in November Michelle Karén

Uranus remains retrograde all November until January 12, 2021. Its shadow period lasts until May 1, 2021. The degrees covered in November (8°40’ to 7°33’ Taurus) are symbolized by “a decorated Christmas tree” and “a sleigh without snow.” This is a month of sudden, unexpected news, unusual information, surprising revelations, and unheard-of twists and turns, especially regarding the financial system and the many corruptions hiding in plain view. Social unrest could take place as frustrations mount and more of our freedoms are blatantly taken away.

Mercury turns direct on November 2 (27°14’ Libra). Its shadow period remains until November 20, and it is represented in the Sabian symbols by “a man deep in gloom; unnoticed, angels come to his help.” However abandoned or desperate we feel, we are never alone. Grief creates the walls of our prison. If we can trust what we cannot see, soothing support will become tangible. Even in our darkest hours, invisible hands assist us and weave their magic, opening new opportunities and making our paths cross those of whom we are fated to encounter. Thus the tapestry of life keeps expanding, bringing us to our highest evolution. Even in apparent isolation, we constantly grow through a complex net of relationships.

Mars turns direct on November 13 (16°33’ Aries). Its shadow period lasts until January 2, 2021. The Sabian symbol attached to this degree is “two prim spinsters sitting together in silence.” Much anger is brewing under the surface. Confrontations with the army or police are likely. For a few months, physical and verbal displays of violence could be deceptively contained while the masses seemingly play by the rules and remain, in appearances at least, politically correct.
