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The Second Age of Transformation

The Second Age of Transformation Creator via Spherical Being through Robert Shapiro

The second age of transformation is upon us. Enough souls who have been gathering for the Explorer Race Re-creation project have accumulated, and now the second age of transformation has begun. This transformation process cannot be deflected or harmed in any way. This transformation involves the total inhabitants of Earth, and it affects the human beings of Earth as well as some others in nearby planets.

The second age of transformation has to do with the evolution of living beings (that are in the physical and in spirit) into the essence of their spirit selves as their day-to-day selves in all ways that affect behavior and the outcome of such behavior. It will not be noticed immediately by most human beings, but it has begun, and here are the salient points.

The Earth cycle for all human beings has now shifted. All human beings will be coming in with a bias toward being, of course, but also toward maintaining their spirit selves as their day-to-day selves. This means in a beautiful, loving part of themselves with the expectation that all such life forms, including them and others, are sacred and, as such, are not to be interfered with.
