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Ticket to the Next Dimension

Ticket to the Next Dimension Alam of the Hogueweft through Susan Sampson

The Hogueweft are multidimensional beings who are arriving on Earth with the change in resonance.

[Looking back to the origin of the Hogueweft,] I see sunshine and beings who were a mix of two genetic lines. They walked a bit bent over and had long arms. However, they were not primitive. They were a mix of genetics that was an experiment. Psychologically, they were kind, happy, and intelligent. Because of their origins in those early days, they were hunted and slated for extermination, but even that knowledge did not deter their happiness. They survived that time.
I see them walking through an almost temperate jungle forest. The sun shone with bright yellow light. They were not of Earth but from another planet. They originated there. Those ancient ancestors were the roots of the kindness religions in this slender portion of the galaxy.
