These Are the Days of the Uplifted Ones
These Are the Days of the Uplifted Ones The Andromedans through Anara WhiteBear
There is much to speak of, yet the words we speak in the collective as it comes through the Andromedan wave of energy will only give you that which you will receive. It is up to you to allow the new energy and the new information in, but you do not have to. So we begin.
You are on the threshold of something that you cannot see. This might feel like a tsunami, a very large wave of energy, and it scares you. If you let it pass through you and do not let it bring you to the ground from the pressure it causes, you will grow in ways you had not expected. These ways are of the ones who know how to ride the waves. The ways that are coming — these new understandings, these new ways of being — are what you have prepared for over the years of your human existence.
As this large wave of energy — that feels as if it is about to crash down upon you — shows you that which you are truly afraid of, it is time to see clearly what has not been healed in the collective and within you. All that you have seen, heard, and experienced spiritually — because you have read every book, attended seminars, and listened to those who had words — you have not applied to your life.