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Anchor Stability through Shanti, Bhakti, and Ananda

Anchor Stability through Shanti, Bhakti, and Ananda The Cosmic Blue Essene through Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa

Welcome divine beings of love, light, and miracle presence. We celebrate with you that the 2018 new year is rapidly before you, and there is much to share! The coming cycle of linear time is a mastery moment for humanity and all inhabitants of this divine planet that is the home to vast energies from many dimensions.

The divine sacred unions of the unified fields of crystalline light and miracle presence have come forward to offer you vast support. This support has as many forms and faces as there are beings of divine presence reaching out, and within this vast field of divine support, you will discover the reassurance your heart calls for. May you know without any doubts as you move forward that it is your time to connect with certainty to the approaching energy. Let us begin, for there is so much to share and so much to remember.

Deep within your heart center, you are already clear that now is the time you have prepared for, and for those who choose it, a rare period of escalation and rapid ascent is available. This energy arrives with the full moon presence on the eve of the new year and offers a rapid lift high above the game board of the densified realms.
