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The Elusive Akash

The Elusive Akash Kryon through Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps away from his consciousness in a move that has been practiced for years. This is not an easy Human attribute, for Humans want to be in complete and total control over those things that are most pertinent to their survival. One of those things is consciousness, so the channeling that you experience with Lee is a bit different from that of the past. We have said this before — that there is no takeover of the Human Being during this process. There is instead a meld, a partnership, and that is what you see. So as my partner steps aside, he is looking and watching everything that is taking place. He is even able to write it down later if need be. This is because we have a Human Being who is able to work with that sacred part of himself that is new and different. It's participation instead of a takeover.

In this new way, Humanity has the ability to participate intellectually and emotionally as the messages are given. This enhances the messages, for the Human who is in this channeled state is a translator. He translates using the language he has and by moving through a system that is located in the portal of the pineal gland. The system involves multidimensional communication through a source that is third dimensional [Channel's Note: the pineal gland]. All of this is to say that what comes next, like in so many other channelings we have given, is a combination of new information combined with things we have stated before but that have been spread over many channels. So now we coalesce these things into one message in order to bring forward a new concept.

The Human Akash

We want to speak more about the Human Being's akash. Now, you will notice that we seldom use the term "akashic record." This is because the very semantics of the word "record" give you a linear feeling of some kind of list, and we don't want you to think that way. Not only that, but the Human akash contains far more than a record of lifetimes. So this is where we are going to start today. We will go slowly so that any new concepts can be explained correctly and well, so you might understand them in their completeness.
