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The Seer Almine: First- and Second-Ring Magic: Power Seekers versus Perception Seekers

The Seer Almine: First- and Second-Ring Magic: Power Seekers versus Perception Seekers Almine

In speaking about magic, it is necessary to lift the veil from what it is and how it is used. Magic is the manipulation of reality through the use of intent. There are two ways to practice magic: first– and second–ring magic.

A History of Left–Brain and Right–Brain Magic on Earth

On the walls of ancient Central American ruins, the story is told of how first–ring magic was initially brought to Earth by starbeings from Orion. This form of magic is left–brain based and utilizes external techniques for its effectiveness. When most speak or think of magic, it is usually first–ring magic they refer to.

Second–ring magic uses right–brain, feminine, noncognitive methods of affecting reality. The magic originates from within rather than from without. Inner abilities are used by the unseen realms on Earth.
