The True Nature of Light
The True Nature of Light Various Beings through Ruth Evelyn & Elishianne Clark
Metatron: We are here to discuss the true nature of light, which is a refined version of what is known to most in their lightbeingness, in the love of light, and in the crystalline energies of light. The true nature of light is a refinement beyond the crystalline vision and experience. The true nature of light is, in and of itself, balanced and in love with itself. Light will commune with itself in the way of health and demonstrative indications of kindness. When it travels through unfiltered pathways, the true nature of light finds its way to itself in the physical body of another whether it is consciously welcomed in or not.
Isis: There are moments of overwhelm in the light of love. In the largess of love and the light within love, it is as though light becomes a comforting blanket, a big hug. And the healing comes in through the body from the outside. It is a healing of comfort and peace. This creates space for joy to take hold and regain its strength. The light of love is an enormous power that has been necessary for the healing of humankind, the healing of the human heart, and the healing of our planet. It is of blessed energy.
Atouleme: The true nature of light is a light seeking itself in others. When you call forth the true nature of light, it usurps all that it is not, all that is unhealthy, all that is unbalance, to seek out its atomic level imagery to rewrite the codes within a genetic molecule, that balance is restored, that balance becomes the code, that balance regains its health and replicates in the nature of balanced health. It is so and so it is.
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