Each Day Is a Gift
Each Day Is a Gift Divine Mother through Miriandra Rota
Greetings! I am your Divine Mother, and I come forth to speak with you to help direct your thinking and to assist you to know that you reside in a most treasured time. Each breath gives you life and the incarnation of the life force as you go forth into your journey. I invite you to view your day as a gift, one that you have given to yourself, decided long ago.
I encourage you to refrain from watching the propaganda that flows forth from nearly everywhere and directs you to feel fear or horror. You are so much more than that: You are the light of my heart. You flow forth from me to take form, and in your taking form, I breathe a holy breath upon you, inviting you to awaken to the dance of the divine within you.
When you find your thoughts moving toward sadness for the suffering of my children, when you find yourself feeling fearful of the powers that direct in falsities, or when you suffer for those who are starving, remember these words: All beings are my children and many purposes are being fulfilled. While you do not know all purposes, you are awake and can accept my invitation to remain awake and to celebrate life.