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Create a Solid Foundation for the Growth to Come

Create a Solid Foundation for the Growth to Come Divine Wisdom through Annie Botticelli

The year 2019 offers us radically expanded horizons, rapid and barely manageable growth, sweet success, sparkling luck, and ways to move and express beyond what our past and current limits have allowed and even possibly beyond our wildest dreams! We study how the movements of the planets offer us predictive insights as Jupiter — the great benefic; the expander; and the bringer of growth, luck, optimism, and hope — cycles back to its own sign of Sagittarius.

It is a quite powerful and auspicious time when a planet moves through the sign of its rulership. Everything the planet brings and represents comes into the forefront in ways more pronounced than its movement through any other sign. Since Jupiter is also the planet of excess, the energies will be carried even further.

Jupiter moves into Sagittarius on November 9, 2018, and it remains in its own sign through December 3, 2019. We will feel the implications of the movement of a planet into a new sign awhile before it actually enters. The forefront of this transit started in the last quarter of 2018, and it will continue to manifest throughout 2019.
