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Each Person Holds a Part of the Truth

Each Person Holds a Part of the Truth Amma through Cathy Chapman

My dear ones, I am Amma, the Divine Mother of the divine mothers. I am also your mother. When you made the decision to separate from the oneness as an individual soul, I kept you safe within my womb. I also made the decision to separate from the oneness and hold what you call the feminine aspect of God.

Abba simultaneously made the same decision to hold the masculine aspect of God. This decision was made well before your decision, if you choose to think of it according to the concept of time. I recognize this might be a strange concept for you, the separation from the oneness into the masculine and feminine aspects of God.

What I call separation from the oneness is not truly a separation. You have chosen, in this lifetime, to live in a construct of duality. Within duality, it is nearly impossible to express fully that the separation into different aspects of God is not truly a separation. Let me give you a metaphor.
