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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: The Strength for Change

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: The Strength for Change Maria Yracébûrû

Diiyin’s note: It is a big time in the history of human evolution. Three times more than what we dream, 2020 is the culmination of our strength in change with quick insights and a keen instinct for truth. We can smell the fragrance now, plain as the flowers in our gardens.

August Prayers

Coming together (Grandmother Bat) as we love, we increase the awareness of our beings. We reach the height of connection in this life.

Aa ísádiid biyi’siziihí danezgaihí nakia: Yes (Rainbow Serpent), soul sickness is gone. Visioning is a complex structure of seeing that is made up of a variety of perspective prisms. It is an adventure into dimensions. Vision gives us an instant moment of psychic knowing.
