Make a Plan to Realize Your Dream
Make a Plan to Realize Your Dream Donna Taylor
Yesterday I revisited an old favorite book, Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach, and landed on a story about a highly successful newspaper columnist who, after years of working her way to the top, decided what she really wanted to do was concentrate on writing novels and being there for her children when they got home from school. It didn’t really matter that her peers were aghast and felt she was letting feminism down; what mattered was that she made an authentic choice, one that felt right for her. Many people wait too long to make such a decision, and some people never do. Others wait until retirement, when much of their creativity has ebbed and dreams from earlier in life have faded to such a degree that it’s hard to remember them.
So as I look to the sky for January, I feel compelled to share this story with you because six planets take up residence in Capricorn, the sign of work, responsibility, and success. This will incline many of us to think carefully about the role we play in the outside world and whether that role is a good fit. Does it feel like a suitable character to play on life’s stage, or have we outgrown it? Do we have the proper balance between work and home, or are we a bit lopsided? If so, the full moon on January 2 will draw our attention to such matters.
Meanwhile, Jupiter’s alignment with Mars in Scorpio will encourage us to follow our dreams or to remember what dreams we used to have before we buried them beneath duty, responsibility, security, and the pressure to succeed. Capricorn is all of these things and often shies away from dreams, preferring the safety of that which is tangible and attainable. But let’s not forget that Capricorn is also the mountain goat capable of climbing with persistence and determination to the top of the peak. So Capricorn is more than capable of manifesting a dream; it just needs a plan. So as we enter this new year, if you have a dream you would love to fulfill or you’re disgruntled with your present situation but don’t know what else to do, make a plan. It doesn’t matter whether it’s simply a basic outline, a sketch of something vague, because in time, if you trust and commit to this idea, it will develop and take shape in your life.