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Claiming Your Personal Power in the Love of Your Sacred Heart

Claiming Your Personal Power in the Love of Your Sacred Heart Sananda through Reverend Michelle Coutant

Beloved ones, divine timing is of the utmost importance in your lives and in your world today. Throughout your day, you will find many instances in which you have choices to make, and you can make these choices in haste and from the ego and the personality, or you can make these choices from your sacred heart center. Choose to make your daily choices from your sacred heart center. Take a moment and do not allow yourselves to be rushed. Connect with your inner wisdom, and your sacred heart, and listen.

Listen to the small voice within you. This is your higher guidance, the guidance of your God-self. This guidance is the guidance that will keep you on the highest path. It will direct you to make the highest choice, choices which will ultimately build on your growth and your successes that you so desire to create. Acting in haste and on impulse are actions of the ego self, causing you to make decisions that might not be for your highest good and the highest good of all.
