Time Passages
Time Passages The Council of One through Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
What was once sought is now freed into expression of purpose. Truths that were once hidden now unwrap themselves in the schematics of the new time dialogue. Energies that went unharnessed now entrain themselves. Duality of purpose seeks a partner as Earth dances around with her upcoming choices. We are at a point of no return, as one who passes through the pastures of life seeking safe haven from a world of turmoil. We all sit at a place of less resistance as the time doors open to experience themselves in a new longitude and latitude of placement. "Thy Will Be Done" seems to be the title of upcoming events, personal and planetary. As we sit looking out our window of time with our microscopic view at maximum clarity, we begin to truly understand that it is not fate versus free will; rather, it is fate and free will.
Time passages announce opportunities that have been dormant, waiting for the skeleton key to unlock them. This mass of energy cannot be bridled or harnessed, only ridden in a free form. Hold on tight to all you once dreamed was possible. You are asked to embrace the solitude of your thoughts and allow them to be birthed into a place of possibility. Just like a baby, timing is always in universal control. All the fires of transmutations you have endured for far too long have burned away the dross of limitations. Dancing in the arms of your own dreams allows you to unfold into perfect proportion.
As the sands of time slide through the entrances and exits of all that is sacred, humanity's future is unveiled in a spectrum of possibility. As you each walk forward in your lives, there is a set of footprints, an energetic path, that they announce and leave. The energies of the angels of light on high come to lift you into a safe place. Time asks you not to give up on what lives in your heart and your dreams. The universe has placed within you a seed that cannot wither nor falter nor be sewn under. The universe has placed within you an imprint that asks to be seen through the lens of your heart.
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