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Sacred Memory

Sacred Memory Inspired Guidance through Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

As we move our bodies, minds, and spirits into 2023, we are aware that something is afoot. Our Spidey senses tingle as we prepare for something we cannot see in real time. For the past few years, our Earth brains have gone through many shifts and midstream changes. Many people have gone through some kind of brain rewiring (the hard way or the easy way). Some brain shifts have been natural while others have been caused by slips/ falls/trips, often over something that was not there. Like a robot gone awry, the human brain has gone offline.

A continuing influx of energies is coming to Earth, both natural and manufactured. Some pulsing influent energies are deliberate and nonstop, continually intrusive. Frequency devices come in multiple forms, used for weather control, earthquakes, tidal waves, and population sheepherding. They oscillate at many settings, causing distress in human bodies, brains, and sleep patterns, which can cause mental-health issues. Our brains do not seem to shut off as they continue processing 24/7.
