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Resurrect Your Divine Nature

Resurrect Your Divine Nature Kira Raa

April comes with its unique energy as the soul mirror of March. This is the month to fully resurrect your divine nature and celebrate and know that you are one: the sacred union of your divine soul and the physical form that offers it the gift of divine expression. March 2021 offered greater awareness of the energies that are present, and in April, we will all experience the moment as awakened awareness propels us to ascend into resurrected presence.

April = 7: Prime Energy and the Creative Experience

What are you ready, willing, and able to call forward now? As a mirror prime energy from March, April is calling out for you to go beyond the confines of paradigms and belief systems to say yes to the ascended presence within as you dive into a level of trust that propels you from the mundane to the extraordinary. As Einstein so aptly asserted, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Pay attention to your self-preserving egoic filters that seek to slow your ascended nature from fully adapting to this energy. As you offer reassurance and love to the egoic presence that is asking to feel even safer, your mastery presence ignites the expanded presence of embodying spiritual maturity and greater spiritual discernment. What brings you the greatest peace, love, and joy? The more you harness the aspects of your life experience that inspire you, the greater your service. You make the difference!
