Space Opens for a Fresh Start
Space Opens for a Fresh Start Donna Taylor
Inspiration is a curious thing; it comes and goes of its own accord. We never know when it might strike or why, after a period of being infused with it, it decides to leave. One thing we do know is that we can’t control it and thus have to be grateful when it magically appears.
During an otherwise flat day, we can suddenly be inspired by a piece of art or music. Or we might watch a film and become inspired by a particular message or scene. We might be inspired when we experience synchronicity, a little white feather lands at our feet, or a butterfly mysteriously appears in our homes. We can be inspired by a message in a dream or from a line of poetry. So although we can’t control it, we can observe that inspiration comes through irrational means, often via artistic and spiritual mediums or through nature. Few people are likely to be gripped by inspiration when paying their bills, devising a spreadsheet, or taking out the trash. So if we wish to become inspired on a regular basis, we can turn to art or the mystical, as these mediums feed our souls.