The Power of Your High Heart
How perfect the month of Valentine’s Day depends on your ability to hold the presence of the high heart in all you do. The extraordinary year 2021 expands again in February with a full compass that invites you to say yes to your eternal, infinite nature. Mercury retrograde, that began January 30, has a unique influence this month, as it is the entry energy into your high heart. That energy arises from the state of perfect balance.
The energy of 2020 set the stage for this moment. The entire year of 2021 is the second half of your mastery up-level training. This month, the high heart reigns as the king/queen. If you arise into this blessing, the infinite nature of your mastery presence is yours to command. This energy calls you to live your personal truth with joy-filled abandon and complete trust in the universe.
Humanity’s wakeup call has arrived. As you meet this call with deep breath and awareness, you are ready to dance with the transformation of your physical nature. You are a transcendent being able to enter into the alchemical transformation of your life, right now, with your high heart as the crystalline gateway. This is the moment to apply the gift of transcendent transformation to everything you do. Relax your mind and invite the spaciousness to remember that you can both materialize and dematerialize. Enter the cocreative realms beyond this world and rejoice as you rediscover your life experience.