A Voice of Positive Planetary Change
A Voice of Positive Planetary Change Divine Sponsors of the Temple of Sacred Alchemy through Aurora Juliana Ariel, PhD
Aurora: The 2020s are destined to be one of the most glorious passages the world has ever known. Humanity rises from the amnesia that kept the world in the throes of darkness. Old patterns are transformed. New light, energy, and vitality emanate in the people. Many of the forerunners have realized great success in their missions of positively affecting those around them, and global leaders in the consciousness movement have greatly inspired the masses into positive planetary change. Destinies are being fulfilled. The ills of humanity are dropping away. Healthy living is key — as is happiness, harmony, and peace.
From Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth: The reign of darkness has held humanity in its grip for eons. Now, at last, freedom is at hand. First, an internal freedom as souls in the awakening shed the layers of false programs to realize their greater selves. Destinies flourish. Ill health, trauma, and the burdens of the past dissolve. An illumined race emerges to lead humanity out of the darkness. A greater happiness ensues and envelops a world in a high-vibratory matrix that further helps dissolve the dissonance of the past.
We, the Divine Sponsors of the Temple of Sacred Alchemy who have been called to give our predictions for the 2020s, now gather to share our great wisdom from the higher realms of light through our messenger and oracle, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD. We come at a significant time on Earth to help humans rise in consciousness and take their place as wise stewards of the planet. We have served the souls of Earth forever, and now is the time when many rise en masse to take their places as illumined citizens of this world. The reign of darkness has ended, and with it, many dark souls are now receiving a re-education in the realms of light.