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Earth Is Coming into a New Rhythm

Earth Is Coming into a New Rhythm Keeper of Time and Elrah of Rhythmic Service through Steve Rother

Keeper of Time: Greetings, dear ones, I am the Keeper of Time. I join you this day with a very special notion. You have moved a tremendous amount of energy in a very short time, and it is almost as if reality is trying to catch up with you. We know that you see the troubles rather than the successes and advancements you’ve made. It’s helpful to understand that you’re not going to see it all. You have a very limited perception of where you can focus not only with your eyes but also with your attention in general. Much of what is slipping past you is actually the good news — the advancements taking place. Yes, you are making rapid advancements on the planet, which is why you also seem to have more challenges because everything has sped up.

The world has recently changed. Today we bring you together to hold hands for all humanity as you work through the aggression that has surfaced. This has been planned for many years now. The human collective will ultimately deal with this, but until then, many are suffering. The next level of attack is with misinformation about the actual events. Yes, these are masters of misinformation. If humanity becomes divided by the misinformation, then this aggression will remain for some years to come. But if humanity stays united in its opposition, it has the best chance to resolve it quickly. Although land can be occupied by force, the hearts of the land can never be taken.
