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Step 3: Master Connection

Step 3: Master Connection Sarah Goddard Neves

You may have forgotten that Supreme Spirit is ever-present and that you are, in fact, a part of her/ his eternal love and light, yet Spirit never fails to wake those of you who really care to remember her/him and the truth of your divinity. To assist you in recalling and becoming more of your intrinsic nature, the saints and enlightened ones come to guide those who are ready to self-realize. Like shepherds to a flock of goneastray sheep, they appear to lend a hand in directing those lost souls back home to truth.

The Presence of an Enlightened One Is an Act of Love

These leaders of light may be living now or may have been a part of this or another world in some distant past. Nonetheless, whether they are presently alive or not, these educators of a higher wisdom are forever accessible to help lift your vibration and direct you toward more evolved ways of living and selfrealization..
