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Navigate the Dimensional Expressway

Navigate the Dimensional Expressway The 144 through, 000 through Kenton David Bell

This is a very interesting time on the planet for all of you. You are in the middle of what you call “the pandemic.” There is much uncertainty. Unprecedented changes have occurred in the past few years, and we assure you this is just the beginning. Change will speed up even more as time flows on. It is not so different from a river being closer to its source and clearing away all that is not clear and purposeful.

We will talk briefly about the transition between third-, fourth-, and fifth-dimensional energies. Some of you might call them different realities, and in a sense, they are. But the reality is always your reality. It changes due to the frequencies and the rules and physics of each dimension. You exist in all of them, but the “lens” through which you experience resides in a specific frequency. The part of you having the experience on the leading edge will be in a particular dimensional energy that is specific to where you are at that moment in time.
