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Go Beyond Boundaries

Go Beyond Boundaries Michelle Karén

Pluto remains retrograde until October 6, 2021 (26°48' Capricorn). Its shadow period continues until January 26, 2022. The degree traveled in May is represented in the Sabian symbols by “pilgrims climbing the steep steps leading to a mountain shrine.” More darkness is emerging in the world, revealing the extent of sexual perversion, child trafficking, slavery, domestic violence, pornography, abuse of power by big corporations and governments, mishandling of large sums of money, and activities related to the mafia and underground satanic cults. Amid the evil emerging from the bowels of society, we need to stay strong in our integrity and soldier on toward enlightenment. It might be an uphill path fraught with challenges, but it is the only path worth taking.

Jupiter enters Pisces on Thursday, May 13 at 3:36pm until July 28 when it returns to Aquarius. These two months give us our first glimpse into the change that will occur on December 28 when Jupiter enters Pisces until December 20, 2022. Despite (or thanks to) the limitations we are experiencing, this transit will open our consciousnesses to new activities we never thought we might need to develop. These next two-and-a-half months will stimulate our imaginations and help us go beyond boundaries so that we might manifest our dreams like never before. This is a chance for great mental, spiritual, and creative expansion.
