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Achieve Balance in a World of Want

Achieve Balance in a World of Want The Collective Soul through Carolyn Gervais

Moving beyond your fears isn’t easy, especially when those fears seem to control your life by way of your feelings, emotions, and experiences. This sensory-vacuum effect often results in extreme mental and physical imbalances that can lead to dispassionate views of humanity and life until your ability to care for others is lost and all that remains is surviving.

Your society tends to encourage living for new sensations, needed or not, and you don’t take the time to understand the feelings that underlie this constant need for sensation. Being in silence, at times, can help you communicate with your soul and see the underlying signs that can guide you on your human and soul paths.

Your life has been weighted down with much disappointment and worry for the past three to four years. This can cause you to look outside yourself for ways to distract your mind and heart from what frightens you. You might even believe that you and your loved ones won’t make it through much longer, because of a lost job, illness, or the fear that a nuclear war seems just around the corner.
