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Dream Zone: Persistence and Effort Pay Off

Dream Zone: Persistence and Effort Pay Off Lauri Quinn Loewenberg

I have a dream all the time in which I can fly. It probably started when I was eighteen. In it, I know I can fly, but it takes several tries to get airborne. I have to run across a field or down a street, and I have to get into a Superman pose. I then proceed to bounce and scrape my face and body over and over until I finally start flying. I then fly for a while and come down to the ground, where the process begins again but with less and less bouncing and scraping until I am flying well. When airborne, it takes intense concentration to continue flying well.
— Doyle, 51, Mesa, AZ

From Lauri: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again, right? Odds are you get this dream whenever you are working on something in waking life that you hope will take off, such as your career, a project, a relationship, and so on. The various settings in these dreams are clues as to which effort you are attempting at the time. The field is most likely connected to something in your career field, for example. The bounces and scrapes you endure before taking flight very likely reflect the rough starts you have to endure with these endeavors before it is smooth sailing. In fact, these dreams aren’t just reflections but also guidance and encouragement, letting you know that with determination and intense concentration, the sky is the limit for you!
Doyle replies: I think that is pretty spot on. I’ve always been an ambitious dreamer. I come from a blue-collar background, so I’m not afraid to get dirty to get the job done. In fact, I have a project I am about to launch very soon!
