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Be Disciplined to Achieve Self-Mastery

Be Disciplined to Achieve Self-Mastery Michelle Karén

Jupiter remains retrograde this entire month until July 11 with a shadow period continuing until October 7. The degrees traveled this month (19°19´–15°39´ Scorpio) are represented in the Sabian symbols by “a woman drawing aside two dark curtains,” “a parrot listening and then talking repeats a conversation he has overheard,” “a path through woods rich in autumn coloring,” “a woman, filled with her own spirit, is the father of her own child,” and “a girl’s face breaking into a smile.”
The next three months, which have repercussions until the beginning of October, require us to reassess our belief system. In what and whom do we place our faith? How solidly planted are we in our integrity? How loyal are we to those who have always proven their support and commitment to us? It is also a time to be clear on what makes us happy and, if we have lost our joy, to remember, regain, and celebrate it.
Saturn remains retrograde this entire month and until September 6. Its shadow period lasts until December 13. The degrees traveled this month (9°00´–7°44´ Capricorn) are represented in the Sabian symbols by “an angel carrying a harp” and “birds in the house singing happily.” We are asked to honor our mastery. As we stand securely in our self-sufficiency with discipline, focus, and sobriety, we can tap into our wisdom and personal power, regaining clear access to what we acquired as initiates in other lifetimes.
