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Opening Your Heart

Opening Your Heart Quan Yin through Therese Dorer

Theresa: The vision presented for us is a pathway that leads to a garden with a white trellis covered in pale-pink roses. We walk through the garden gate and continue down a path of smooth white stones. As we walk, we are encouraged to feel our worldly concerns melting away. We continue down the pathway and notice a gazebo overlooking a still pond with a swan swimming gracefully in the water. We are invited to enter the gazebo and are greeted by Quan Yin. She motions for us to sit with her awhile. There is a beautiful tea service, and we are invited to share a cup of refreshment. It is a delight to sit with this master of compassion and mercy and to feel her love and light flow over our beings.

Quan Yin: Children of the Sun, it is so good to be with you this day. Please come and sit with me awhile, and let me pour you a cup of kindness. I ask you to open your hearts to the mercy and compassion that flows in your heart chakra.

It is to your hearts that I wish to speak today. I ask each of you to find the place in your heart where the fountain of kindness, compassion, and unconditional love resides. I invite you to open the portal to your heart, allow the unconditional love to flow through your whole body, and then, with your intention, direct that flow to your family, community, and the world.
