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Gather with Your People

Gather with Your People Egyptian Cat Beings through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

The energies for May 2017 will be fiery and full of passion with Mercury and Uranus conjunct in Aries for the first half of May and with Venus coming in during the last part to liven things up even more. With Mercury retrograde from May 1 to May 3, the passion to express and share will be extremely high for everyone. Many people will be talking but not listening, so opportunities might be missed if attention is scattered or too focused.

The breadth of vision and perception with the willingness to open to new possibilities for connection with those of like mind will draw people together from around the world to begin formulating the foundations for the rebirth manifesting in 3D on planet Earth. This is a time of calling the “family” together. The following affirmations might be helpful in enhancing this.

  • “I, [your name], now draw to me the people, beings, spirits, energies, and entities who are here to support me in my life and my work.”
  • “Money, prosperity, abundance, and love fall from the sky in amounts beyond my comprehension. There is more than I need, more than I want, and more than enough to share from all sources.”
  • “I, [your name], am open to the prosperity, abundance, and love that is mine now.”
