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The Law of Responsive Return

The Law of Responsive Return Archangel Michael through Ronna

Beloved masters, the rays of divine light that are radiated throughout creation via the great archangels not only contain the all-encompassing attributes of our Father/Mother God but their thoughts and emotions of love and wisdom are also constantly being ray-diated throughout all creation. However, it is each person’s responsibility to be receptive to this gift of living light, to integrate as much as possible, and then to pass on a portion to humanity — and also a tithe of love, light, and gratitude back to the source of all.

Universal law mandates that there must come a time when all conscious souls begin to return a portion of the divine gifts of love and life they have been allotted. This is called the law of responsive return. When you actively participate in sharing your allotment of adamantine particles in times of prayer, affirmation, and meditation via the world pyramid, you are fulfilling your obligation to our god parents as an active and caring cocreator. This is the highest and most effective form of tithing. It is important to share your earthly riches, but it is even more important to share your loving energy, gifts, and talents of Spirit.

The sacred white cosmic fire (adamantine particles) that you magnetize to you as an awakened self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount — that which is appropriate for each soul to integrate at its current level of en-lighten-ment — can be stored within the physical vessel. The remainder must be ray-diated out into the world of form.
