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Animal Whisperer: Love from over the Rainbow Bridge

Animal Whisperer: Love from over the Rainbow Bridge Your Ever-Loving Pets through Kim Malonie

Hi Kim,

I feel so alone. I’m an elderly woman, and I’ve had major losses in such a short time. I feel the need to reach out to you for consolation and, I suppose, hope.

I lost both of my beloved fur babies. My husband and I had to move to an apartment. My family thought I was too old to take care of my elderly pets, who had been with me for many years. But I won’t get into that. Needless to say, I am very devastated, and I’d like to know whether my fur babies, Buddy and Missy, are all right. I’d like to know whether Missy has crossed over by now and is with my late husband John of sixty years.

It would mean the world to me to know whether they are on the other side and how they are. I am very spiritual, and I think they have been trying to contact me via telepathy. I wish I could join them. I miss them so much!

The accompanying picture is from when they were much younger. Thank you for any help you can provide me. God bless you for the work you do for animals and people.
