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Activate the Love You Are to Change the World

Activate the Love You Are to Change the World Amma through Cathy Chapman

I am Amma, the Divine Mother of all divine mothers, and I am your mother! For those of you who have never had the opportunity to be with me as I share messages with you, I welcome you. One of you asked how I am different from the “hugging Amma” who hugs and loves on people. How am I different from that Amma? Well, there are five Ammas on this planet. One is even male — would you know? — who holds my energy. They all asked to hold my energy. Now, I am the feminine aspect of God. You cannot expect one human being to hold the entire energy of God, can you? They all hold part of my energy, and they each have their roles in what they are doing. The one many of you know, the hugging Amma, she comes to give my love to each of you — the love that I have within her that she sends out to others.

So this one does not embody my energy. This one I speak through channels my energy, and that is a different experience. What she is channeling is the energy of the Divine Mother, the feminine aspect of God. She is not channeling the energy of any of the Ammas walking upon Earth at this time. So for those of you who are new, I wanted you to know and understand that.

Now, the major part of my message is how amazing you are. This is a message of truth, and it is a message of hope. It is a message of reality, even though you may not think that it is a reality.
