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Your Consciousness Helps Earth Maintain Its Integrity

Your Consciousness Helps Earth Maintain Its Integrity The Beings of Inner Earth through Miriandra Rota

We are the Beings of Inner Earth, and we flow forth to speak with you. Some of you are aware of our existence while others do not know that there is a land within Earth, a land that is most beautiful, a land that is inhabited by beings who used to live on the surface of this Earth and who long, long ago, ventured into Earth in order to reside during times of great earthly changes and turmoil. We are those beings.

It might interest you to know that the land within Earth is filled with beauty, with nature, with waterfalls, with seas, and with every form of nature that has resided on the surface, or skin, of Earth. The colors and life force of all of this beauty are much more than what continues to reside on the surface of Earth. Our air, water, and vibrations are more pure than what you experience on the surface. Yet we are not coming forth to speak with you in order to elicit guilt or to blame anyone or any circumstance of the condition of nature and the skin of Earth. We come forth for a different reason.

You Hold the Pristine Vibrations of Earth Within Yourselves

During the change that is occurring on Earth, we have felt the vibrations of those who choose to plunder its treasures. And while this is not something that we can change, we come forth to tell you, to inform you, that such plundering affects the nature of the Earth's crust. Her surface becomes more vulnerable to the eruptions that caused us to enter the land within long ago. Again, we are not speaking with you to elicit fear or guilt. We simply come forth to tell you that as Earth changes, she will become more fragile.
