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The End of the Rope

The End of the Rope The group through Steve Rother

Please note that this message has been edited and in spots rechanneled from the group for better clarity in this format.

Greetings from Home! This day marks a level of vibration much the same way as the last seven times that we have been together. Humanity is now moving at the speed of love, which is slightly faster than the speed of light. What is taking place at this time is that all of humanity and the planet itself is starting to go through a birthing process. We have mentioned before that the Earth is not sick; she is pregnant. She is giving birth, and this is a good way to look at it, but she is not giving birth to another planet. Earth is giving birth to a new form of human, for you have evolved past the current physical housing for your spirit.

The bubble of biology that houses every spirit is challenged with keeping up with your vibrational growth. There are events taking place within the Earth herself and throughout the cosmos that will create opportunities for you to carry much more of your own light than you ever dreamt possible. You have disconnected yourself from Home long enough to pretend to be a human, and yet you still have the essence of who you are in that body. You often look at the body and say, “That’s strange, I wonder how I got here. I wonder what this means.” Your body has often fought you as you have tried to move forward. It seems as if many of you have actually been dragging your body around with you for most of your lives, sometimes just trying to make it work with you to hold your spirit for a time. We see the challenges with that, but there are different events that are now underway that will help to clear much of this energy.

Many of you are now consciously releasing your old templates, letting go of some of your old belief systems about who you truly are and who you thought you were. This has been very helpful and has enabled many to move forward, but now the solar flares have begun and everyone on Earth will feel them. We do not call them solar flares, as they are very similar to what you will experience as a magnetic bath. Huge waves of magnetism are coming in and stretching your own magnetic boundaries. They are moving the ley lines of planet Earth, which are shifting as this energy comes in.
