March Weekly Horoscopes
March Weekly Horoscopes Tracie Bickford
March 5–11: Your time is coming, Aries. Have you done the work and prepared for what you want, or have you been pining about the past, hoping the big prize will simply drop in your lap? The outcome you seek will only come with the effort you put in. Finish what you’ve been exploring/studying, gather your information, and do the work. Soon the Aries Sun will shine, and the seeds of your efforts will birth your intentions.
March 12–18: You have a tendency to think of the worst possible outcomes. What if you focus instead on the positives and create a mental list of all the things you’ve done to prepare? Trust in yourself and in your efforts. If your efforts have slacked off lately, there is still time. Empower yourself to do what it takes to get the job done, and stay open to options other than “it’s my way or the highway.”