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Go Out on a Limb

Go Out on a Limb The Collective Soul Consciousness through Carolyn Gervais

The idiom “grasping at straws” comes from an old proverb: “A drowning man will clutch at straws,” which means a drowning man will grab at anything around him to try to save himself, even a floating straw. It is true that your world has been turned upside down for the past few years, causing people to feel that they are often grasping at straws of hope and inspiration to find ever-new ways of restoring themselves.

In your search for those new ways, know that there will be many roads you will create and travel on. Of course, not all will take the same roads to revitalization. The paths you have ahead, dear ones, no matter how rough, will make you stronger physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
