Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power
Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power Kim Chestney
There is more to life than we can imagine. Every day, we move through our three-dimensional world, through this moment in time and space, as if it were all there is. Like a backdrop to the great theater of life, we accept the illusion that this set and its props are the world itself. In reality, the sensory world is only the beginning; it is the first thing we touch as we enter the abiding world that exists beyond.
Look around you. Notice the many things you see — the objects, shadows, and spaces between. That empty space before you — that surrounds you and touches you — is not empty at all. It is full of things your current level of consciousness cannot perceive. It is rich with information and energy — data you can know with an expanded, intuitive mind. The more you intuitively evolve, the more you will intuitively become aware of the “higher” subtle information around you.