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EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Follow Mysterious Grace

EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web: Follow Mysterious Grace Maria Yracébûrû

diiyin’s note: To put it simply, mysterious grace moves in your spirit, as it will. So follow wherever it leads you. Let it be the active force and you the receiver. Feel this mysterious grace sweetly open you more to the fifth-world time dynamic.

Grandmother Moon, shima’kalei (Aunty Hawk): In the dream that calls, we are reminded vividly of playing, feeling very peaceful, and watching the stars. All of a sudden, we are shown shifts and changes, and we are happy.

lahyú dihí’aah nagontl’odi dawa nakia: Remove all the trouble (Rainbow Serpent), and the only thing we are expected to do is allow ourselves to receive. For now, we are (and again we become) the future dreamed long ago.
