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This Year Is About Staying Awake

This Year Is About Staying Awake Merlin through Miriandra Rota

What would you say if I were to remind you that this year began long ago? Yes, my dears, this year that you are calling 2014 began before you entered into physicality. What do I mean by those words? Let's talk.

Perhaps you have heard me (and others) speak of the truth that this is a grand time and that the possibilities are greater than ever before. What possibilities? The possibility that there will be a continued shift in human consciousness! And rest assured that when that continues to occur and when the illusion of separation from the whole is threatened further, most wondrous things begin to occur. What are they?

You might have gotten caught up there with my words "when the illusion of separation from the whole is threatened." You might have thought, "Oh, oh, we are in trouble now." But my dears, you have already been in trouble. You know what that is all about, don't you? Of course.
