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Stop Doubting, and Grasp the Hand of Your Higher Self

Stop Doubting, and Grasp the Hand of Your Higher Self Kryon through Lee Carroll

Greetings, dear ones. I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It is December of 2013, but it seems like only a moment ago when we faced you and thousands of old souls around the planet and told you to "hold on." We discussed with you that the prophecy of the precession of the equinoxes was thousands of years old and it was a turning point. We described that those in the Mayan civilizations, the prophets of their time, had put together the time fractals in such a way that their calendars would reflect the esoterics of the wobble of Earth. We told you that their vision was so profound that the end of their calendar coincided with the beginning of a new era.

We told you that between the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2014 there would be times of recalibration. We gave channeling after channeling telling you what was recalibrating, which basically was just about everything. We told you to hold on, and we indicated that seeds were being planted for bigger things. We told you that there could be difficulty for you in this year [2013] and that some of you would find it more difficult than others. In a moment, I'm going to itemize some of the things that were difficult and tell you what's going to happen from here on.

I can tell you these things at this moment, just like I was able to tell you about 2013, because you've created them. This is not a prophecy, dear ones; this is a report. I see the bigger picture, something you cannot see as you sit listening to this. You see only the oneness of yourself and a few of your friends. It's impossible for you to see an overview that Spirit sees based on the billions of souls on the planet. There are billions of intents, and some of them contain surprises that are positive. Some of the consciousness shifts are only just beginning to occur, and through it all, we repeated and repeated that dark energy dies hard. We did that so that you would understand that it is a slow process of coming out of the mud. The mud wants to suck you back in.
