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Creating a New You for the New Age

Creating a New You for the New Age Amma through Cathy Chapman

I’m delighted to be here and to share with you a message from Amma. As many of you know, I’m a psychotherapist, and in psychology, there is something called the victim triangle—the persecutor, the victim, and the rescuer. What’s interesting is that they always shift positions. What will often happen is the one who becomes the rescuer of the victim will become persecuted by the victim. We see it happen time and time again, and people will say they were just trying to help. Amma will be talking about this in a slightly different way, but—in my words—she’s going to kick butt today. She’s going to tell some hard truths today.

Amma is the feminine energy of God. Those who have studied the Kabbalah remember that there is the undifferentiated aspect of God that then expresses itself as Abba, the masculine aspect, and Amma, the feminine aspect. Patriarchal religions talk of God as Father. This is God as Mother. There are those on the planet like Amma-chi who embody Amma. I don’t embody Amma—I channel her. You can assist me by going into your heart and breathing in and out of your heart.

Good afternoon, dear ones. How wonderful to be here with you in this way, to come through this one I speak through. For those of you not used to channeling, let me share a few little secrets with you first. My energy as it comes into this one is a pure expression of truth. It filters through her beliefs. Although she attempts as much as possible to stay out of her own beliefs and translate the energy as truly as she can, know that it is always filtered somewhat. That means it is your responsibility—and responsibility is what we’re going to talk about today—to listen with your heart and know what is true.

So here you are in 2012. It is finally here for those of you who have heard about 2012 for decades. You thought it was so far away, and now it is here where you can touch it. It is the beginning of a new age. Many people talk about the New Age movement, and here you are in the actual astrological manifestation of it. A new age will mean many new things. The intuitives you heard earlier talked about responsibility. They said the world was not going to end. One beautiful being talked about how you have the opportunity to re-create yourself in your own body. I actually taught a class on that. You can recreate yourself while still in your own body, and I will tell you how to do it. It is actually very simple, but it is not easy.

Re-creating Yourself

Think about this as an analogy. If you wish to have your body slender, flexible, and healthy, what to do is very simple: Stay off of wheat and anything with gluten in it. Do stretching exercises. Do qigong and walk. Begin to move away from the low vibrations of red meat and gradually eat that which has a higher vibration. That is the plan. It is very simple, isn’t it? This one I speak through loathes exercise. As I speak to you about these things, I’m speaking to her as well. She’ll remember when she reads this over.

If you want to be a new person in this new age, you must stop being the old you. Who is this old you? This old you whom you hang on to, who is not conducive to entering this new age, is the you that carries all of the wounds—all the memories of the wounds—you have had throughout your life. If you wish to re-create yourself, I’ll give you one seemingly very simple thing to do that is actually very difficult: Never again talk to someone about your wounds unless you immediately do a healing process. If you wish to re-create yourself, no longer should you share with someone that your father beat you, you suffered incest, your parents didn’t love you, you were fired from your job unfairly, the church did such and such to you, and so forth. No longer do that. Think about yourself. Don’t you, even in casual conversation, often share such things? Every one of you does it to some extent.

If you go to someone, like a therapist, who believes in healing, and you ask for help to heal and release a particular wound, the healer/therapist would guide you to do healing work around that wound. There would be no discussion of who said what or who did what because that retraumatizes you. You re-wound yourself every time you tell that story and speak those words. You may continue to do that if you wish to stay the person who you are. And you are a glorious, wonderful being. If you wish, however, to change and become a new being in this new age, then it is time to stop retraumatizing yourself. Every time you say those things, you have a hammer you use to pound yourself on the head. Dear ones, stop pounding yourselves on the head. I don’t think that’s much fun.

So, what do you do? Every time you catch yourself thinking about a painful incident, tell yourself to stop thinking about it. Then go inside to the divine energies and say that you desire to release this wound now: “I deeply desire to no longer let this wound run my life.” Use whatever healing tools you wish. Each of you has access to healing tools. You can even breathe the wounds out of your body. Think now of a wound you hold on to. You may not think of it as a wound, but whatever it is that would make your life better if only it were released. And if you are ready to do this, say, “I’m ready to no longer have this govern my life anymore. I choose to totally release it. I breathe the energy of this wound out of my body now.” Feel the wound within your body. Breathe it out of your body. Realizing that now there is an empty space, ask your spiritual being, whoever that is, to please fill this space with all the love you needed at that time but did not receive. Just ask that now. Feel the love coming into you right now. Feel the love. Take a deep breath now.

If you wish to re-create yourself, then every time you catch yourself thinking of that wound, or any other wound, tell yourself that you will not think that way anymore. What has happened is that you have allowed your mind to control you. Go into your heart and ask to have all the love you need to release that wound. It is a matter of habit and retraining. It takes tremendous energy to stop yourself from thinking in negativity, and thinking of the wounds that have occurred to you is negativity.

This is a truth, even though it is filtered through our channel. This is a truth: You are not a victim. It does not matter what was done to you. It does not matter if you were forced to endure incest every day of your life—you are not a victim. It does not matter if you were beaten bloody every day of your life—you are not a victim. You created that experience before you incarnated. Who would consciously choose that experience now? No one. You chose it before you incarnated in order to experience something that would move you beyond the event. Those of you who experienced incest or were beaten or robbed of everything you had, you chose those things because you are tremendous spiritual beings who wanted to experience something that would force you to move beyond limitation. In order to recover, you need to discard the energy from those wounds.

Releasing Your Wounds

Those of you who have had what some would call the worst wounds are the greatest spiritual beings. It is time to exercise your greatness. Call forth that greatness within you and tell yourself that it doesn’t matter if you endured incest every day of your life because you have the ability to release all of the pain; to learn to love with freedom and abandonment; and to have healthy, passionate, and intimate relationships. It does not matter if you were pushed aside for another sibling, another volunteer, or another coworker. You created the possibility of that experience before you incarnated so that you could move beyond it.

This is how you re-create yourself. Keep a list of everything you think about that is not of love and light: My brother’s a jerk, my father did this to me, my mother died in childbirth and therefore my father rejected me, and so on. None of this changes who you are as love incarnate. It does not change who you gloriously are—this spiritual being. It was only—and I do mean only— something you chose to experience so that you could play this human game wonderfully and with great intensity.

I know some of you have played games that were challenging at first. Then you got it down, and it wasn’t challenging anymore. It became boring, and you don’t play that game or that level of the game anymore. But if you have the challenge of conquering a particular level, you play over and over until finally you go, “Yes!” That’s what you’re doing now with the wounds you have experienced. Every one of you hearing this or reading this has deep wounds that you chose to experience because, in other lifetimes, you already have gone through the easier things. You said, “I’m going for the gold this time.”

Instead of saying you’re a victim, I want you to say, “Wow, I’m this tremendous spiritual being and I have the capability of releasing everything that has happened to me and become a new me.” The “new me” is your same spiritual self. It is your soul. It is the love that you are; the “new me” is the manifestation of the love that you are. It’s hidden now. For some of you, the real you displays itself more often. Most of you have no idea of how great and beautiful you are. You have no idea how we see you. The light, the colors, and the music that comes from your energy—that is what we see. You see yourself much differently. You see yourself as a struggling victim, asking yourself why you can’t do this or that: “Why can’t I get myself to exercise, even if I don’t like it?” “Why do I have to go over the same thing again and again?” That is how you see yourself. But we see you in the glory you are and the glory you are becoming. It is not that you are becoming a different glory, but that you are becoming aware of and experiencing that glory.

To enter the new age, drop off the wounds of the old. It is not easy. Find someone to be a buddy with. When you give in and begin talking about your wound—what your dad did to you and so forth—your buddy will say that he or she doesn’t want to hear about that and will recommend that you ask for healing of that wound. What would happen if your friends said they knew your wounds but wouldn’t listen to you talk about them anymore? You can say this even if you don’t actually know their wounds, because there are no new wounds on the Earth. People believe they have experienced horrors until they hear about somebody else’s horrors. You can offer to pray with that other person for healing of their wounds. Would you dare to do that? Think about it. When another person is talking about who did what to him or her, you can suggest they see a therapist, and you can offer to pray with them for healing. It doesn’t matter what tools you use. When you allow people to unleash their garbage on you, you are actually allowing yourself to be wounded. Think about how you feel when someone just unleashes. If you say no to hearing the pain, they will not be happy with you. However, you are standing there in the truth of who you are, choosing to move into the new age by not participating in the chaos and unrest that is occurring.

Responsibility and Discipline

You understand now why I say it is simple but not easy. To move into this new age, everyone must accept responsibility for themselves. The responsibility you have is for your healing, not for wounding others with your words or actions. When you carry your wounds around, they are on display. When they are triggered, you will wound someone else. When you wound someone else because you have refused to release your own personal wounds, then you are responsible for that part of the pain that is on this planet. You may, dear ones, choose to bring peace, healing, and love, or you may choose to contribute to the chaos. You are responsible for either one. There is no middle road. There is no fence-sitting.

I want to emphasize again the beauty you are, but let me say it in a slightly different way: You deserve to be free of the wounds that have bound you. Find a ritual that permits you to write down what it is you’re ready to release, and make that commitment. You do not have to do everything at one time. Simply put, each person really has only two or three core wounds. Unzip the energy of those wounds, peel it off of you, step out of it, turn around, and blast it with the light that will burn it up. Then walk away as a new person.

All the thinking and talking about those old wounds has formed a pattern in your brain. You must stop that pattern. The memory will sometimes come up, and when that happens, you must say to yourself, “No, absolutely not. I am in my new beingness as love incarnate, and I am moving through this world as love, the love that I am.” When you do this and stop the thought, you move to the truth: “I am love incarnate. He/she is love incarnate.” The difficulty comes in the fact that this requires discipline. It is much easier to go off and scream and yell and holler. The discipline comes when you say, “It doesn’t matter what she/he/it did to you. It only matters what you do now.” This one I speak through tells her clients that what others say and do is about them; what you say and do is about you. Others may tell you terrible things, but that is about them. How you respond to it is about you.

Change Your Energy

There once walked on this Earth a tremendous spiritual being who said, “You cannot solve a problem from the same energy with which it was created.” That tremendous spiritual being was Einstein—Albert Einstein. He spoke from a place of physics. You cannot change the problem within yourself if you stay within the same energy, the same vibration. You must raise your vibration. You do that by taking just a few minutes to go into your heart, spin your chakras, and ask that your vibration be raised. You do not have to spend thirty minutes or an hour in meditation. You do not have to be a monk. Let me show you how easy it is.

Go into your heart. Connect with the spiritual being you connect with most often, whatever name that is. Now ask, “Please raise my vibration 50 percent.” Could you feel the change? What if you did this every time you went to the bathroom? Go ahead and eliminate pain from your heart and ask Spirit to please raise your vibration 50 percent. When you are standing in line somewhere, go into your heart and ask Spirit to raise your vibration. You can experience different levels. If 50 percent was too much, ask for 10 percent. Some of you will want to ask for 100 percent. It will not stay at that level because you’re not used to it, but you just keep raising it. Gradually, your vibration will be able to rise higher and higher. And then you will be at a different energy, and you will be able to change the problem that is, or rather was, yourself. You will know what problems you can change. You cannot change the problems of others. There is a wonderful serenity prayer that asks for the wisdom to know the difference between the things you can change and those you can’t.

How many people do you try to change? How many people do you try to educate? And then you get frustrated because they won’t be educated or change. That means you’re working too hard. There is only one person you have control over, my precious ones. Yes, yourself. There is only one person you can educate. If you find yourself trying to educate or change others without the benefit of their asking or paying for your help, then I would suggest you quit trying. It’s not your business. You’re allowing someone else’s garbage to land on you. You can say, “No, thank you. I don’t have time to take a shower now.” You don’t need to listen to the other. Do you know there are those who even walk out of their homes to avoid listening to garbage falling from someone’s mouth? Or hang up the phone? Two things might happen. Gradually, other people might quit dumping on you because you won’t listen, or they might not talk to you anymore. You might not want to lose your family or friends, but do you want them to keep dumping garbage on you? You won’t actually lose them. You will still have them with you, and you will hold them in love.

Every one of you deserves to be in situations where you are uplifted and love is exchanged, where you can talk about books or any other thing that exchanges love energy. You can talk about problems with software, for instance, but the energy of love is exchanged. When there is no exchange of love, you are not obligated to be there.

There is the bodhisattva whose job is to take on the suffering of the world, to assist others in their suffering. Perhaps you’ve heard this parable about the monk who was getting ready to cross the water and saw a scorpion about to drown: He kept trying to pick the scorpion out of the water, but each time it stung him. Someone came up to the monk and said, “Why are you doing that when it continues to sting you?” His response was, “Because he knows no other way. But my way is to bring him out.” He, that monk, is a bodhisattva. I want to tell you that there is no one hearing this or reading this who has been called to be a bodhisattva.

You are called to be here in love. You are called to become the love that you are. You are called to release the tremendous wounds you have experienced in this life and to claim that those wounds are not who you are anymore, yet those wounds did form you in a particular manner into what you are now. Keep the learning from the past, but release all that other energy.

Another way to deal with those who perpetrated your wounds is to say thank you for the love they gave you by wounding you. They also contracted before incarnation to play that particular role with you. When you leave this body of yours and join these others on the other side where there is a huge celebratory party, you will exclaim how wonderfully they all played those roles, which seemed so real when you were incarnated here on the Earth plane.

Get Rid of Limitations

So, there are all these changes coming. In moving to the new age, you need to move from the old to the new. For those of you leaving here and going home today, you will have to move from your chair to your car in order to get home. It would be very difficult to take this room with you. It would be difficult to go home and carry that chair with you. That is exactly what you do when you carry your wounds with you.

You have a group of people expressing their displeasure with your financial system. How can you change the financial system from where you are? One way is to not get caught up in it. And how can you do that? I’ll remind you of some very simple things you already know. To not get caught up in the financial woes, you live on a budget. Don’t use credit cards, live within the income you have, and do the healing work necessary to change the limitations you have placed on yourself with regard to financial abundance.

I wish to tell you something that is truth. This is not what they talk about in the Occupy movement, which, on the thirddimensional level, says there is not enough money for everyone— that those making billions of dollars are taking away from others. I want to tell you something: Every one of you could become a billionaire. You have the potential and ability to do that. What did you feel when I said that? Some may not want to be billionaires. You may have a belief that there is responsibility with that. I want to tell you that when you place limits based on beliefs that the money is not available or the abundance is not there, that is where you place limitations on yourself. When you make a conscious decision that the abundance is there, it will be. There are those who roam the world living only on what others give them. They use what is provided, and they are happy and peaceful. That is different from the beggars on the street who glare at you when you refuse to give them anything. If you have a desire within you to have greater abundance and yet you keep fighting to get there or think it is hopeless, then that is a limitation you can heal. Some of you know how to make the abundance you want, but you refuse to follow the steps, the outline of how to get there. That is a place in need of healing.

Some of you want deep, intimate relationships, and yet you won’t follow the steps necessary. Ah, there is where healing needs to be. Sometimes priorities need to be adjusted, like spending more time interacting with each other. And yes, fear of rejection can come up. That is a wound to heal. There is an old self to let go. Every resistance you have is an old part of you that you can let go and release.

Freedom of Choice in the New Age

If you’ve released all the limitations to being a billionaire and you still don’t care to be one, then you’ve made the decision in openness and freedom. Let’s use the example of a car, a Ferrari. A Ferrari is highly tuned and, of course, very expensive. It’s great on the open road but not so great in short spurts getting from here to there. Even though you have the abundance to buy a Ferrari, you decide to rent one when you want to and drive a more modest car for errands. You have come to this decision in freedom, with no limitations. When there are limitations, there is no freedom of choice.

The new age will give you freedom of choice. You can do anything you want. Anyone can, for instance, be someone who chooses to be the best auto mechanic in the world. If you wanted to do that, you could do it. You could learn whatever you needed and practice until you could do it. Just because you know you could do it doesn’t mean you’ll choose it. There is something, someone, within you that guides you.

When you find you are making an excuse for why you don’t want to do something other than just the choice of not doing it, you have come on a limitation you can release. There are many of you who have books within you that are ready to be written. You know that, but you come up with all the excuses you can to avoid beginning. Those excuses are pointing to wounds that you have. They are also pointing you to areas lacking self-discipline. Moving into the new age is all about discipline. It’s all about the discipline of the mind and the discipline of the heart.

With regard to relationships, sometimes that other person would not be good for you. This one I speak through was named after an elder Catherine who was in love with a particular man in her younger days. He was an alcoholic. She never married him. She told him, “If I had two lives, I would give you one of them. But I only have one, and I’m going to live that myself.” Think about that. You have one life in this incarnation. Live it for yourself. Some think that is selfish, but it is not. Live your life for yourself, and do what you love and enjoy. Many of you like to give. Love the giving without any expectation of return. If you find you are frustrated or displeased because they didn’t return the favor, you have the pleasure of discovering another wound to heal and release, raising your vibration and the vibration of the planet.

The time for me to be here with you is over, and I leave you with a challenge to control and discipline your mind. More important than anything else I’ve told you is to quit rewounding yourself with your thoughts and with your sharing. I send my love into your heart. I tell you, dear ones, you are love incarnate. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love you and how pleased I am with how you are living this life of yours. My blessings to you.
