Greetings, beloved being of light. We come forth with our light, wisdom, and love. We wish to aid you in your ascension, to empower your being, to bring power and strength to your spiritual abilities, and to awaken the truth within you.
Marilyn: I have a feeling that this year is going to be one that sort of sneaks up on us. January was certainly like that. At the writing of this, I feel that I missed it altogether. The holiday flurry simply blended into another energy.
We are most happy, as you understand the term, to once again provide information, motivation, and absolute truth to all of you on Earth through this most magnificent publication. This Journal is a gift from the universes, from us, to your species.
Good morning, my beloved children of light. I am Archangel Michael. I am here, and I love you. I am speaking to those of you whose hearts are open and to those who are just stepping into this new awareness of your true potential. I am speaking in a frequency that will raise the vibration of all.
Dear ones, as you enter through the portal of the lifegiving force field kicking and screaming (as it is very traumatic to be birthed here), you take on an intended divine imprint of authenticity that is programmed by several subtemplates.
Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. You are experiencing a planetary drama that has been played out in other parts of the galaxy. Homo sapiens, which I refer to as the Adam species, also lives on other planets in the galaxy, where you, as starseeds, have had incarnations.
Massive quantum forces of cosmic particles are infusing the biodiversity of Earth. The effects of these cosmic particles are shifting the dynamic forces of the relationships of energy in particle form — consciousness in the manifestation of the law of one.
Take a moment with me now and think back to a time in your life when you were pleasantly surprised at something that came together just perfectly with what you wanted to create. In fact, it was so perfect that it went beyond your ability to understand how it could possibly have happened.
The alchemical transformation is here. The moment is upon all in this very specific realm of potentiality. Breathe in deeply and notice, connecting through the star consciousness located just above the third eye. Notice the peaceful moment of connecting star to star while simply being.