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Review the Structures of Your Life

Review the Structures of Your Life Donna Taylor

As we reach the mid-point of the year, we might be ready for a breather since our lives move at such a rapid pace. With so much going on, we can easily be left reeling and gasping for air. So it is welcome news that June looks to be lighter than the previous months, as Saturn — the planet of karma and responsibility — turns retrograde on June 5. We will be given the opportunity to reflect on where we are going personally and collectively and decide whether the foundations and structures that we have in our lives are still working for us.

Events this month will also impress the need to question our commitments; it might be time to make a commitment to someone or something or assess the rules that you have set either for yourself or have been imposed on you. The rules we follow in our lives can either keep us safe or restrict us, and now is the time to consider whether the rules are working for you or not. If you have a particular belief or mantra that limits you, something along the lines of “I can’t because _____,” then now you might be able to see how you have become your jailer. Or if you have been living in a situation that has come to feel very restrictive and you’re yearning to break free, this is the month when you will gain the clarity and the courage to do so.
