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Focus on the Highest Outcome

Focus on the Highest Outcome God through Liane Rich

As you move from one dimension to the next, you affect those dimensions with your vibration. You once came from God, All That Is, Source. To enter this third dimension of duality, it was necessary to slow your vibration because the third dimension vibrates much slower than the fourth and fifth dimensions. Your lightbeing took on matter by slowing your vibration enough to enter it. (This is not news to most of you who are reading this.) As you lowered your vibration, you were able to merge with matter and take on the denser energy of duality. Duality causes everything to be two sided. We have good and bad, right and wrong, love and fear; we even have good guys and bad guys.

From the higher dimensions, there is no duality. There is light awareness, and it gives you a much higher perspective, or view, of any and all situations. Higher thinking shows you how you are all the same lightbeing, acting out different roles. To maintain higher thinking within the third dimension of duality is sometimes difficult, but it is doable. Mostly you need to rise above this game called “pretend to be something other than God or light” to a fourth- or fifth-dimensional awareness of “all is perfect and in divine order.”
