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You Are More the Same than You Are Different

You Are More the Same than You Are Different Zoosh through Robert Shapiro

Right now, many of you are feeling a sense of optimism. Some of you are feeling this because you feel you’re seeing a light, so to speak, at the end of the tunnel with the pandemic, and that’s true: That light is there at the end of the tunnel, meaning when everybody gets some kind of vaccine. (And as the CDC and perhaps other branches of the government might say, “provisional vaccines.”)

Also, some of you are feeling politically, from one extreme to the other — Left, Right, it doesn’t make much difference — that you’ve been acknowledged, and that’s a very important thing, to be acknowledged. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a license to do whatever you want to do. But you do need to be acknowledged that your beliefs, even if they’re not held by that many people percentagewise but still maybe thousands of people, that your beliefs are real and you feel strongly about them. It’s important to be acknowledged.
