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You Are Becoming a Universal Being of Light

You Are Becoming a Universal Being of Light Archangel Michael through Ronna

Beloved masters, in the very beginning, each of you were one of the holy innocent ones, brilliant sparks of the supreme Creator. When it came your turn to externalize and awaken, you suddenly were aware of your godliness as a white-fire seed atom of All That Is. Then came a startling awareness of your conscious I Am presence as individualized facets of the Creator. This awakening of souls has continued at every level in every dimension of creation throughout this universe. It continues today as great beings of light are brought forth to create new galaxies, solar systems, planets, and worlds without end.

In these extraordinary times, to one degree or another, there is a major internal, transformational process occurring within every soul on Earth. Individually, you are experiencing a clearing and cleansing process as well as modification and expansion in various areas of your physical, mental, emotional, and etheric bodies.
